Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lomography Loves Indonesia Exhibit

Lomography Loves Indonesia Exhibit
venua: Grand Indonesia, East wing 1st floor
when: Feb20-28

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

120 Redscale is not possible because of the backing paper…WRONG!

Yes, that’s wrong, 120 redscale is possible! Look at my photos to see for yourself

Yes, that’s wrong, 120 redscale is possible! Look at my photos to see for yourself
When I found out about the 35mm redscale technique, I was curious if that could be done for 120 film. A lot of people said that it wasn’t possible. I found that weird because the principle of redscaling 120 film should be the same as redscaling 35mm film. After so many thoughts about it, procrastination sessions, I finally had the push to give it a shot. I had a roll of undeveloped exposed film, so I checked out what had to be done. The film itself is just taped to the back paper, and what’s left of me to do was peel off the taped film, flip the film, and tape it back on. Simple right?!
The hard part of redscaling 120 film:
• Must be done in the dark.
• Aligning the film when taping it to the back paper in the dark.
• Making sure that as you roll back the film to the spool, it doesn’t loosen up.
• Don’t use the redscaled 120 film right away, let it stay rolled in the spool for some minutes to adapt to its new form. This will avoid the film from loosening up when placed inside a camera.
• Use a medium format film that your are confident in getting all 12 shots exposed (my first try was with a Diana F+, I only got 3 out of 12 shots).
• I think we should push process it by 1 stop (I haven’t tried but all my shots are under exposed).
I’m extremely satisfied with this experiment, proving that redscaling 120 film is possible! The possibilities for film photography are endless! That’s why I love lomography and film =D
Now it’s your turn to try out this tip! Go red!
Good Luck and Lomo on!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A True Analogue Love Story Competition

Lomography was excited for last week's Valentines Day, and to spread the love around the lomography community, they opened the "A True Analogue Love Story" Competition.
All those who wanted to join this competition needed their lomographs, and a twitter account. We had to tell a love story, along with the line is a photograph which had to be from our lomohome. It was really simple, the judges were not going to select the winners based on our photographs, the winner is determined by the most number of tweets.
I had to join and win this! All I had to do was make a love story, associate a photograph with my line, and hit my mouse!
Guess what,
I won! With a whopping 1154 tweets, I came in 2nd place. Those who came after me had below 400 tweets.
Finally I won a camera from the many competitions of Lomography!
My prize is the new Pink Fisheye2 and a Lomography City Guide Vienna Book!
Thanks for the wonderful and simple opportunity =D

PS. Sorry to my followers at twitter, I would hate the thought of my streamline being full of 1 person.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February already?!

No longer are the high filled spirits on again. But it is still burning a fire in us.
It's already February, pretty fast, I'm not sure if that was a complaint. Maybe because I'm just ready for whatever comes my way. Although, it would be nice to feel like I have nothing to stress on, such as dealing with my internship, March events which I volunteered to be a part of. Kind of stressful, but I'm willing to take it on because I want to be doing something different. If not different, just something I normally wouldn't do on a daily basis. So as a reminder to myself and to whoever is ready this, let's get out there and do something different, in a way I know we would feel positively tired once we hit our sacks.
Keep it real, get it done.